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Direct billing client

Direct Billing

If you have extended health insurance through any of the following insurers, you may be eligible for Massage Therapy, Naturopathic and/or Acupuncture coverage. Some insurers do not allow for direct billing or they require payment be issued to the plan member only and not to the provider. Other insurers may require a medical prescription for your appointment. In order to avoid any surprises at your appointment, you are encouraged to look into your policy ahead of time and what your coverage limits are as well as whether you require a prescription. Bring your prescription to your appointment if it's required, as well as your insurance card. When you attend for your first appointment, we will get you to sign a consent form to allow us to Direct bill on your behalf. During your appointment, you can enjoy your treatment while we take care of the rest.



Appointments with students can NOT be claimed on insurance as they have not completed their full training yet.

Direct Billing offered for the following insurers (and more):

Manitoba Blue Cross

Canada Life (formerly Great West Life)

Canada Life PSHCP

Chambers of Commerce



Coughlin & Associates


Empire Life

Equitable Life

GMS Carrier 49/50




Industrial Alliance

Johnson Inc.

Johnston Group



Maximum Benefit

People Corporation

RWAM Insurance

Simply Benefits


Union Benefits

*If you do not see your insurer listed here, please contact us to see if it is one that we offer*

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